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Graybox assets aside, a good core concept and execution for an infinite (or I guess just "moving end point") runner!

Cool concept. I did find that you can just go to the side and avoid everything. The flying ones are almost imposable to dodge if they are heading for you which seems like how it would be realistically. Thanks for the submission

Thank you! and yea, I meant to add something in that would stop you from going past a certain amount to the right or left but completely forgot about it until after submissions were closed

I agree with Space Owl below me, the sound and motion definitely sells the theming even with the default assets! I also applaud you for making a browser build of a 3D Godot game. You don't see that every day...! It's a solid base with a fun gameplay loop, great work

Very cool! I like that the truck is smoother to control as I got faster.  The music was fun and the sound of the tornado getting louder as I approached it really sold the tornado even though there wasn't art for it!  

You're in Fort Wayne, right?!  I think I used to pick up your Dirt Wain food scraps if you are.


Hahaha yes, I do love in FW!